**IMPORTANT INFO!!! GO TO THE LINK ABOVE FOR A MORE RECENT TWITCH PAGE!!!! ***Enter the weird and underachieving world of TWITCH! Twitch is the name of the new NOIZE/ExPERIMENTAL project by Voideth Pessimisticoth and Vulnus Degradorium. After years of pirating other peoples music, nulling the lyrics, and adding his own, Voideth decided to try to be a little more,um---legal. And so,with the recent addition of Vulnus Degradorium, TWITCH is born! Twitch's first demo tape out was called "Thank you, my Dear No One". This tape contains hardly any real instruments, but rather, it dissects pre-made music,by terrorizing sound as we know it. Used in the tapes construction were Electric razors, bad mics, a high speed dub recorder, a great mic(it's okay), a dog, a friend with a guitar,a squeak toy or two, some nasty vocals, and some various other household items. Although the "music" is classified as NOIZE, it isn't true noiZe. True NOIZE contains vocals almost NEVER, whereas TWITCH frequently utilizes Vocals(albiet distorted). Twitch is however, based on the minimalist view of NOIZE for the SAKE of NOIZE. It's for those who like ORTHODOX industrial and other very odd types of "non-music". There are 26 tracks and if nothing else, it'll give ya something to make fun of. As yet, I'm very new to this whole internet stuff, but will try to improve in the futr. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BUY THIS 60 MIN. TAPE PLEASE SEND $5 TO THE ADDRESS BELOW. SPECIFY WHICH DEMO YOU WANT TO PURCHASE. I ALSO HAVE A NEW DEMO OUT CALLED "SILENTkaos". IT IS A BIT LESS CHAOTIC. MORE TRUE TO THE ORTHODOX INDUSTRIAL FORM. IF YOU WANT MORE INFO ON IT GO TO THE "SILENTkaos" PAGE. THERE'S A LINK TO IT BELOW. THANX!!! If ya wanna check out lyrics or poetry or whatever, go the the TWiTCH lyrics page. I'll try to get more up as soon as Voidethably possible. ______________________________________________________________________________________
P.o.BOX 132
Quinby, Va 23423