This page,which happens to be small for now,is in loving memory of
(in my opinion-and many others) the BEST CHRISTIAN INDUSTRIAL BAND EVER-ARGYLE
PARK. If you doubt that they made an impact,go to Flaming Fish Music and check their
poll. Argyle won for the past two years the spot of best signed Christian industrial
band ever. SO! There's ya Proof! Argyle Park was not an actual "band" as the term
is usually defined. The "actual" members of Argyle Park consisted of
BUKA,DEATHWISH,and DRED. Now here's where it gets tricky, you see DEATHWISH
and DRED are not actual existing humans. The infamous SCOTT ALBERT of CIRCLE OF DUST
used BOTH names as alias' while making the Argyle album "Misguided". This is odd,I think,
because he also used the alias CELLDWELLER on this same album. Now-who needs
THREE alias' on ONE album? Either way, he can really do what he wants as this
album is so awesome. The album itself contained a plethora of other artists.
Argyle Park saw something done that perhaps has never been done before.
Artists from both the secular and christian music world came together, and many of them
for that matter. The guests include everyone from TOMMY VICTOR of Prong, to JIM THIRWELL
of Foetus, to Jyro from Mortal and MARK SALOMAN of The Crucified fame.
Also unique to this album is the fact that many different styles of music are
represented here. There are touches of death metal,hardcore,techno,AMBIENT,NOIZE,
speed,thrash,spoken word, and many other styles in between. MY point being that Argyle
Park was the collaberative efforts of musical genius' and definitely a project that
exceeds most of today. Unfortunately, in feb. of '95 BUKA officially closed the Park.
This was the result of constant chaos in his personal life due to the band. Well, as he put it,
I did not have time for the band and my personal life. Obviously, this can be understood to
a certain extent. First of all, BUKA has many other oportunities available to him. I can see not
wanting to box yourself in at such a early point in a career. Word has it that he's now got a job
at a prominent Music TeleVision Network. Secondly, Argyle Park was such a magnificent musical
entity that it would be hard to continue on without the quality suffering. I said hard, not
impossible, I'm sure BUKA could've pulled it off had he chosen to do so. Other than this,
alot more responsibility would've been placed on BUKA since the First album was quite the
collaberative effort. The other members of Argyle Park vanished into thin air never to re-appear.
Scott Albert decided that he would put them aside to work on his Producing activities under
the name CELLDWELLER. There will be a final CIRCLE OF DUST album out as soon as some legalities are settled w/R.E.X.-it will be called "Disengage". He also spends most of his time now on his new "band" ANGELDUST. So far, there are 22 tracks recorded for ANGELDUST-Scott doesn't sing though. Of course,
Scott now uses the name Klay Scott. He says that this is his final name change--we'll see I suppose....
Also, many people are Argyle Park fans w/out even knowing it. Tommy Victor liked
the music for "DOOMSAYER" so much that he used it on the new PRONG album, although he changed the name
and re wrote the lyrics. No matter, ARGYLE PARK will be sorely missed by many and Not available to many
more.(It's distributor took a nose-dive) This must become a treasure to be passed on to other generations.
Argyle Park owners-BE RESPONSIBLE and PASS this on to your children.
Headscrew---------------Crucified/klank/Christy sweet
Agony-------------------Mortal/apmass choir
Scarred for life--------dred(Celldweller)
A burden's folly--------Argyle Park/celldweller
Leave me alone----------Drown/Argyle Park
Violent-----------------evoleyejeni/celldweller/argyle park
GUTTERbOY---------------CHATTERbOX/apmass choir II
"planning skinshed"-----Buka/deathwish
"Imitation noize"-------Buka
Circle------------------Christy sweet
Drive, He Said----------Buka/Steve taylor